Sanitizing and Preparation Process for Re-Rented instruments
Eastside Music has used a rigorous 3 step cleaning and sanitizing process for the instruments in its rental fleet for over 35 years.
Break down & Sterilizing solution
Eastside Music has used a rigorous 3 step cleaning and sanitizing process for the instruments in its rental fleet for over 35 years. We begin by breaking down the horn to its smallest components before sterilizing the horn with solutions meant to kill bacteria and viruses as well as attack grime that might be present in any part of the horn. Each instrument gets the same treatment whether it was rented for 1 month or several years. Our rental horns have seen numerous cleanings, which is one of the main causes of lacquer wear you see on the outside.
Bath & Air compressed drying
The instrument is next bathed in water and scrubbed with detergents to rinse the body and components of any solution left on the horn. The instrument is thoroughly blown dry using an air compressor and then is left to air dry to get any missed water. At this point we also use compressed air to blow out the inside of the case .
Case Disinfect, Repair, Mouthpiece Clean
We then sanitize the inside of the case using disinfectants and let the inside of the case air out completely before re-assembling the instrument and sending it over to the repair shop.
Once the instrument repair is complete, the mouthpiece is disinfected a second time before re-renting to the next customer.