
All customers should maintain a distance of 6 ft from other customers while in our store.

Customers will not be allowed behind the front counter areas. Upon request, a salesman can make items behind the counter available to you.


Due to the small, enclosed nature of our storefront area, Eastside Music will allow only up to 10 customers into the store at any given time. Additional customers will be allowed in as customers leave.

We ask that shopping time be kept to 10 minutes per person or less if possible to allow the free flow of customers to and from the store. In order to help this process along, Eastside staff will ask if you need help locating specific items in the store.

Remember, Eastside Music staff would be glad to assist you with any curbside purchases. Simply call us at 503-491-2270. We can take card over the phone or cash at your vehicle.

Play Testing

Due to the change of hands and germs that is associated with play testing and trying out instruments, Eastside Music is enforcing the following rules until further notice:

  • No play testing of woodwind, brasswind or any other mouth-blown instruments. No exceptions.

  • 5 minutes total of play test time per customer on all other instruments (function check only).

  • All customers are asked to use hand sanitizer provided by Eastside prior to play testing.


  • UPDATE: As of 8/13/21 Multnomah County is reinstating the requirement to wear a mask while in indoor public spaces. This applies to both vaccinated and non-vaccinated individuals. We will update this section as soon as these mandates are changed in any way.

  • Eastside Music will not have restrooms available to the public until further notice.